CoreTrustSeal is governed by the Standards and Certification Board elected by members of the Assembly of Reviewers. The Board is responsible for the development and maintenance of the CoreTrustSeal certification criteria and processes, and for the final approval of certifications. The Board is committed to ensuring community engagement and inclusion, transparency of processes, and the availability of a certification open to any appropriate data repository.

CoreTrustSeal Board 2021–2024

The 2023 annual CoreTrustSeal Board Statutory meeting took place on October 10th, 2023.


  1. Chair—Olivier Rouchon (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France)
  2. Vice-chair—Hervé L’Hours (UK Data Archive, United Kingdom)
  3. Secretary—Mari Kleemola (Finnish Social Science Data Archive, Finland)
  4. Treasurer—Ingrid Dillo (Data Archiving and Networked Services, The Netherlands)


  1. Aude Chambodut (International Service of Geomagnetic Indices, France)
  2. Alina Danciu (Centre de données socio-politiques — CDSP, Sciences Po, France)
  3. Reyna Jenkyns (Ocean Networks Canada, Canada)
  4. Dawei Lin (ImmPort Repository, DAIT-NIAID-NIH, USA)
  5. Jared Lyle (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, University of Michigan, USA)
  6. Jonas Recker (GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany)
  7. Maaike Verburg (Data Archiving and Networked Services, The Netherlands)

Ex officio

  • Lindsay Callaghan (South African Environmental Observation Network, South Africa)
  • Lisa de Leeuw (Data Archiving and Networked Services, The Netherlands)

Find information about previous CoreTrustSeal Boards here.