CoreTrustSeal Trustworthy Data Repositories reviews are undertaken by qualified members of the Assembly of Reviewers consisting of qualified volunteer Reviewers designated by CoreTrustSeal certified Repositories.

The Assembly of Reviewers is an essential component of the CoreTrustSeal, it helps both the CoreTrustSeal Board to determine the trustworthiness of applicant repositories, and the applicants themselves to improve their performance through the highlighting of best practices. Many reviewers find that conducting reviews is highly valuable to their own organizations, since they learn and understand more about their own processes through examination of those used by peers.

Introductory resources and training for reviewers can be found under Training.

Members of the Assembly of Reviewers can stand for election to become members of the CoreTrustSeal Board and vote in elections (one vote for each CoreTrustSeal certified Repository, see Article 2 of the Rules of Procedures) .


        1. Agustina Martinez-Garcia (Apollo)
        2. Alice Fremand (UK Polar Data Centre)
        3. Alina Danciu (Center for Socio-Political Data (CDSP), CoreTrustSeal Board)
        4. Alison Steven (National Geoscience Data Centre)
        5. Amela Kurta (Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
        6. Andrea Lammert (DKRZ – World Data Centre for Climate (WDCC))
        7. Andrew Johnson (CU Scholar)
        8. Anupama Gururaj (ImmPort Repository, DAIT-NIAID-NIH)
        9. Aude Chambodut (International Service of Geomagnetic Indices, CoreTrustSeal Board)
        10. Bruce E. Wilson (Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC)
        11. Catherina Hofmann (Edmond)
        12. Chenzhou Cui (Chinese Astronomical Data Center)
        13. Christina Street (CSIRO)
        14. Dave Connell (Australian Antarctic Data Centre)
        15. Dawei Lin (ImmPort Repository, DAIT-NIAID-NIH, CoreTrustSeal Board)
        16. Debbie Roth (Woods Hole Open Access Server)
        17. Eleonora Epp (TOAR Database Infrastructure)
        18. Emma Bee (National Geoscience Data Centre)
        19. Eric Lopatin (University of California Curation Center (UC3))
        20. Felix Rau (LAC – Language Archive Cologne)
        21. Françoise Genova (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg)
        22. Franziska Schwab (TIB Digital Long-Term Archive)
        23. Garry Baker (UK National Geoscience Data Centre)
        24. Gene Melzack (CSIRO)
        25. Gilles Poulleau (IDOC-Data)
        26. Graham Purnell (National Library of Scotland)
        27. Guoqing Li (Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, CAS)
        28. Hervé L’Hours (UK Data Archive; CoreTrustSeal Board)
        29. Hiroaki Toh (WDC – Geomagnetism, Kyoto)
        30. Hristiyania Ancheva (Bulgarian Portal for Open Science)
        31. Ian Bruno (The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre)
        32. Ingrid Dillo (Data Archiving and Networked Services; CoreTrustSeal Board)
        33. Iris Butzlaff (AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive)
        34. Jared Lyle (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, CoreTrustSeal Board)
        35. Jenny Mitcham (Digital Preservation Coalition)
        36. Jeremy Azzopardi (Chalmers University of Technology, formerly of Swedish National Data Service)
        37. Jessica Tieman (Government Publishing Office)
        38. Jizhou Tong (National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
        39. Jörg Knappen (CLARIND-UDS)
        40. Jonas Recker (GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences; CoreTrustSeal Board)
        41. Jonathan Crabtree (Odum Institute Data Archive, CoreTrustSeal Board)
        42. Jonathan Schaeffer (RESIF seismological Data Repository)
        43. Juan Corrales Correyero (e-cienciaDatos)
        44. Juha Henriksson (Musiikkiarkisto / Music Archive Finland)
        45. Jung-Ho Um (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
        46. Kathryn Harrison (Environmental Information Data Centre)
        47. Kehe Wang (WDC – Space Weather, Australia)
        48. Leo Chiloane (SAEON Open Data Platform)
        49. Laure Lefèvre (WDC – Sunspot Index and Long-term Solar Observations)
        50. Lee Hibberd (National Library of Scotland)
        51. Leonie Misquitta (The Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research (FITBIR) Informatics System)
        52. Lisa Hirsch (AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive)
        53. Lisa LaPlant (Government Publishing Office)
        54. Lisa Pegelow (The Research Data Centre (FDZ) at IQB)
        55. Lynda Kellam (Research Data Services at University of Pennsylvania, formerly of Cornell Center for Social Sciences)
        56. Maaike Verburg (Data Archiving and Networked Services, CoreTrustSeal Board)
        57. Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska (MOST Wiedzy Open Research Data Catalog)
        58. Maja Dolinar (ADP Social Science Data Archives)
        59. Mari Kleemola (The Finnish Social Science Data Archive; CoreTrustSeal Board)
        60. Margaret O’Brien (Environmental Data Initiative)
        61. Margie Smith (Geoscience Australia)
        62. Marjan Grootveld (Data Archiving and Networked Services)
        63. Marjan Hartsuiker (Regionaal Archief Zutphen)
        64. Martin Matthiesen (Language Bank of Finland)
        65. Mark Hebden (British Oceanographic Data Centre)
        66. Michael Diepenbroek (PANGAEA – Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
        67. Mikaela Lawrence (CSIRO)
        68. Mikala Narlock (The Data Repository for University of Minnesota)
        69. Mike Shallcross (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)
        70. Monika Zarnitz (ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics)
        71. Nanette Rißler-Pipka (DARIAH-DE Repository)
        72. Natalia Atkins (Australian Ocean Data Network)
        73. Niels H. Batjes (ISRIC – WDC Soils)
        74. Oliver Parkes (UK Data Service)
        75. Olivier Rouchon (CNRS, CoreTrustSeal Board)
        76. Paul Trilsbeek (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
        77. Peter McGarvey (UniProt)
        78. Philip Trembath (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
        79. Reyna Jenkyns (Ocean Networks Canada; CoreTrustSeal Board)
        80. Riccardo Del Gratta (ILC4CLARIN Centre at the Institute for Computational Linguistics)
        81. Robert R. Downs (CIESIN/SEDAC)
        82. Robèrt Gillesse (International Institute of Social History (IISH))
        83. Samuel Simango (Rhodes University Library)
        84. Sara Thomson (Edinburgh DataShare)
        85. Sebastian Karcher (Qualitative Data Repository)
        86. Sizhu Wu (Population Health Data Archive)
        87. Stephan Ruhl (ICSD)
        88. Steven McEachern (Australian Data Archive)
        89. Sulev Sild (QSAR DataBank)
        90. Tim Evans (Archaeology Data Service)
        91. Tammy Walker (Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC)
        92. Tuomas J. Alaterä (The Finnish Social Science Data Archive)
        93. Ulf Jakobsson (Swedish National Data Service)
        94. Veronika Heider (AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive)
        95. Viktoria Haider (Tethys RDR)
        96. Wim Hugo (Data Archiving and Networked Services)
        97. Wouter Klapwijk (SUNScholarData)
        98. Xiukuan Zhao (WDC for Geophysics, Beijing)
        99. Yaxing Wei (Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC)
        100. Yuyun Wirawati Ishak (DR-NTU (Data), Nanyang Technological University Library)